Hold Nature in Your Hand
Susie Spikol is a naturalist and writer who helps connect people of all ages to nature.
Book Trailer to The Animal Adventurer’s Guide
Thank you to SALT Project for this video.

Rain Walkers
Red efts, the eastern newt—they are a kid’s dream come true, so small and touchable, and their tangerine color so outlandish in a world dedicated to camouflage. No teeth, no fangs, claws, or quills. They are damp but not slimy, and it looks like they are smirking as if the joke’s on you.

Your Hummingbird Heart on Mother’s Day
I am holding a teacup-sized hummingbird nest in my hands. The outside is covered in silvery green lichen flakes, stitched together with spider silk. The silk not only holds this home together; it allows the nest to stretch and grow as the babies grow. The inside, no bigger than a thimble...

Fox Time
We're in the zone, totally caught up in the moment, and hot on the trail of a red fox.

Hope on Silent Wings
We try calling, a plaintive “who-cooks-for-you.” I see their faces full of anticipation, straining to hear a response. Children nestled tight against parent and grandparent, eyes wide, bright like those stars up above.